Vijay Vad, M.D.

Golf Rx

A 15-Minute-a-Day Core Program for More Yards and Less Pain

Gotham Books/Penguin Putnam, March 2007

Many recreational and professional golfers suffer from some form of lower back pain. Conventional wisdom suggests that the violent, twisting nature of the golf swing, which puts undue stress on the spine, is the sole culprit. But research conducted by sports-medicine specialist Vijay Vad, M.D., with PGA Tour pros, recently published in the prestigious American Journal of Sports Medicine, reveals that the swing is only one of several factors. Applying Dr. Vad’s winning combination of mind/body wisdom and medical expertise to the game of golf, Golf Rx shares his cutting-edge findings and addresses such topics as:

  • The proper body mechanics for a stable golf swing
  • Power tips to improve driving
  • Eighteen essential stretches for eighteen holes
  • Five-minute warm-up and cool-down routines
  • Keeping an aging body in great shape
  • Common golf injuries—and how to resume activity
  • The Golf Rx exercise series

Combining the best of Pilates, golf-specific conditioning, and physical therapy, Dr. Vad’s easy to follow exercise program contains three series that will speed recovery from the most common golfers’ injuries, help reduce future injuries, and enhance performance by building swing specific flexibility, strength, stamina, and balance.

“In this era of bomb and gouge and golfers as athletes, Golf RX is an indispensable resource. The exercises will have you hitting the ball farther than ever, and will keep you healthy so you can enjoy the game for a long time to come.”

– Peter Morrice, Golf Digest